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145 Inspiring Women Leaders 2020

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

As part of International Women's Day 2020, Diversein launched a campaign to recognise and reward inspiring women leaders globally. We are delighted to received hundreds of submissions in less than a weeks time with fantastic women who truly inspire people around them.

Congratulations to all the inspiring women who had a positive impact on other's life. You always went to great lengths to do your best. You care and help other women to achieve their goals. Keep shining bright and being a role model for next generations !

Happy Women's Day !

Here is the inspiring women leaders list 2020 with no order:

Anne O'Leary Vodafone

Kim Mackenzie-Doyle Institute of Designers Ireland

Lisa McKenna McKenna and Co Solicitors

Aimée-Louise Carton KeepAppy

Hajar Mokhtafa Adecco

Abi Williams Udemy

Aduke Onafowokan The Sister Sister Network

Anne Ravanona Global Invest Her

Neslihan Ercan Udemy

Deborah Somorin Empower The Family

Deirdre Fee Mobility Genie

Anna Radulovski Coding Girls

Aoife O'Dwyer Glug Dublin Host

Marisa Denker Connect The Dots

Naomi Murphy Connect The Dots

Laragh McCann Climate Love Ireland

Donna OShea Cork institute of technical

Blessing Usoro Smarttech247

Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Foundation

Vessy Tasheva

Dr Anita Finnegan Nova Leah (cybersecurity)

Lorraine Curham Trinity College Dublin

Wendy Higley Upland Software

Sophie Benoit What The Hack

Aisling Foran Triple A Wicklow

Caitlin Hafer What The Hack

Ebun Joseph Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Nusha Yonkova Immigrant Council of Ireland

Joy Tendai University College Dublin

Elizabeth Murphy HMH

Marina Ivanovic Kolibri Games GmbH

Shubhangi Karmakar

Halimah DeOliveira Be You In HD LLC

Dorothy Creaven Rent the Runway

Irene McGillivray Verizon Media

Christina Lynch Microsoft

Aoibheann O'Carroll Verizon Media

Karisa Augustus Schmid Verizon Media

Brene Brown University of Texas

Furkan Karayel Diversein

Oprah Winfrey OWN

Vikki Brennan Proudly Made in Africa

Maya Angelou Civil Rights Activist

Sonia Chawla Dimension Event

Prutha atre Indian academy of Venture capitalist

Jessica Reisser Cranfield university

Carlene Nisbett Cranfield university

Breena Cooper Drury Porter Novelli

Veronique Savard Verizon Media

Lora Ruth Wogu Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Ireland

Claudia Hoareau Irish Network Against Racism

Eimear Galvin Health Innovation Hub Ireland (Dublin)

Nicola Vavasour Scotiabank Ireland

Sharon Keegan Peachylean

Louise Lahiff Version 1

Dr. Ruchi Palan University College Dublin

Laura Sánchez Salesforce

Lorna McAdoo Version 1

Grace Olawunmi Olatunji Afro in Diaspora Center

Juliet Rausch Lever

Ruth Leonard Indeed

Julie Flood Talivest

Jayne Ronayne Talivest

Una Healy Una Healy Design

Ruth Murphy BT (British Telecom)

Edel Murphy Verizon Media

Laura Belyea Talivest

Silvija Delekovcan HubSpot

Nayana Couto Talivest

Dorota Tomala Verizon Media

Hong-Ling Wong Go! 21 Education

Grainne Toher Grainne Toher Ltd

Naheed Afzal Contracts IT Recruitment Consulting

Katie Matthews The Mind Tribe UK

Toluwani Akaehomen HerGenuityAfrika

Tina McKenzie Grafton Recruitment

Lisa O'Loughlin Flowers Made Easy

Michelle Carpenter Indeed

Pavitra Sirse Tandon Smartbox Ireland

Carolina Castro Essteem

Ann O’Dea Silicon Republic

Brenda Romero Romero Games

Florence Kwok Stealth

Karla Araque Docusign

Evelyn Nomaya Phase Innovate

Ivana Vasic Chalmers Royal Veterinary College

Lorena A. Barba The George Washington University

Sinead Donovan Grant Thornton

Clare O Connor Clare O Connor Coaching

Orla McKeating Still I Rise. Diversity Storytelling.

Virginia Méndez Mesón The Feminist Shop

Leila McKenzie-Delis DIAL Global

Susan Cook Zaloni

Majken Barbro Witt IMPACTR

Bianca Claassen Orsted

Laura Lorenzen IMPACTR

Dawn Leane Leane Leaders

Audrey O'Hanlon Verizon Media

Talita Holzer Wayto2B

Sarah Cunningham Mastercard

Adaku Ezeudo Phoenix Rize

Aldagh McDonogh Morgan McKinley

Dr. Adanna Steinacker Medics Abroad

Kate O'Moore Maker

Mairin Murray TechFoundHer

Chandrika Narayanan-Mohan Fishamble

Vicky Twomley- Lee Coding Grace

Vicky Pheelan Author of Overcoming

Nicaise Ishimwe Amazon

Jessica Laird Dublin North West Area Partnership

Rosemary Kunene Dignity Partnership

Olanike Adesemowo The Bold Woman

Thirumalaiselvi Nambivelu Deloitte

Mamonaheng Koenane Girls Coding Academy

Indra Nooyi Pepsi Co(former)

Gillian Fagan Under the Rainbow

Harita Gupta Sutherland

Nitika Bose Sutherland

Melinda Gates Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Niamh Coll BT Ireland

Gillian French Cubic Telecom

Mairead Jackson Accenture

Karen Church Intercom

Faraja Nyalandu Shule Direct

Guro McCrea New Relic

Celine Maher New Relic

Jeni Houser Jenergy consulting

Sofia Edeback Verizon Media

Dr Niamh Shaw Dream Big- Niamh Shaw Ltd

Niamh Dennis New Relic International

Rachel Carroll New Relic International

Rachel Clancy Groupon

Aoife Moloney New Relic International

Ilona Hardt Accenture

Prof. Dr. Anja Seng FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management

Rosarii Mannion HSE Ireland

Glenda Byrne New Relic

Cynthia Hass H- Impact

Snežana Zivčevska-Stalpers Women in Tech Netherlands

Charlotte Matabaro Mohecan male grooming products

Councilor Yemi Adenuga Sheroes Global

Magda Kuraczowska FAB Consulting

Tracy Keogh Grow Remote

Rose Barrett Grow Remote

Machaela O'Leary Talent Garden

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