Diversein hosted "Building Inclusive Future Workplaces and Embracing Cultural Diversity" panel with over 50 diversity leaders and participants on 20th November Tuesday at Iconic Offices Greenway.
Diversein's thirds event took place last Tuesday as part of Startup Week Dublin at one of the best coworking venue of Dublin, The Iconic Offices. The event commenced with a welcome speech by Furkan Karayel, the founder and CEO of Diversein and followed "Let's See The World Differently" campaign speech by L'arch representative of Ireland.
"Building Inclusive Future Workplaces and Embracing Cultural Diversity" panel was moderated by the founder of Empower The Family Deborah Somorin, who is also Diversity in Business Ambassador in Diversein. Panel speakers Sandra Healy, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at DCU, Susan Moran, Founder of The Mobile Coach and You and Gearoid Kearney, CoFounder of myAccessHub discussed how organisations of any size could take action steps to inclusion. Sandra Healy called this process "Humanizing".
Gearoid Kearney provided insights from his own life with unrecognised disabilities. Additionally, Susan Moran focused on her talk that why taking a journey into the core and embracing self-identity are important for inclusion.
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